Reporting an Injury or Illness

Reporting work-related injuries or illnesses

Work-related injuries or illnesses must be immediately reported to Workers' Compensation. All supervisors and employees should understand and follow the following protocols. 

  • Supervisors - Make sure your employees inform you of extended hospitalization and Return to Work restrictions.
  • Reporting injuries over the phone - you can report work-related injuries directly to the University's insurance carrier, Sedgwick, when access to Employee Injury and Illness Reporting (EIIR) is not readily available.
    • Before reporting, make sure your supervisor is informed of your injury. To report a claim, call 1-877-682-7778.

When filing an injury report, please include the following information:

  • Who was injured or ill?
  • Where did the injury or illness take place?
  • When did the injury occur?
  • What parts of the body were injured or affected?
  • Did the affected individual obtain medical treatment?

A full description of reporting work-related injuries and illnesses, as well as information regarding campus safety resources such as after-hours and emergency medical treatment locations, is available at